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How to Manifest Your Desired Body Shape

Whether you are just starting off, facing a plateau, struggling to drop the weight, do not like your body shape, want to gain mass. Whatever it is, you're at the right place! Top Spiritual Master Psychics who are working with celebs from MMA fighters, athletes, footballers we are the secret source to their success, talent and performance! Now, launching to the public, we offer you, the same access!

Manifesting your Desired Body Shape at
Manifest with a Medium

If there is one thing an ordinary coach will not tell you, is the impact of exercising in the future. Sure, we will have the science behind it, but the spiritual psychic navigation into it all, will give YOU the edge! That is why we work with high profile individuals. Your designed workout will be designed by the Coach who is working with high profile individuals through their performance. 

How is the workout designed?

It takes us 4- 5 days to get everything psychically scanned out. From where you are currently to where

you want to get to. No-one gets the same routines, because everything about your energy, your muscles, your mind, your contracting periods, your reps, your exercises are going to completely different. 

Everyone, regardless of their fitness journey, will reach this stage. But the difference is, we know what works and how it works. 

How does energy removal work?

You have 14 layers within your energy field that only Top Psychics can see through and around. Most often if there is energy residing within your vortex, soul energy, that energy is technically removed. You do not need to be present at any location for this to happen. The technical, ethical specialists carry this out remotely with their unique trance mediumship technical ability, connecting into your energy field. Most often these highly advanced souls are ones dedicated 24/7 to their work and duties as a lightworker.

Energy Removal Questions people ask

Let us look at some common questions people ask when it comes energy removal

Reasons why you would consider getting into your desired body shape at Manifest with a Medium

  • Manifestations may not stick, struggling to manifest

  • Same patterns happening over and over 

  • You find yourself in the same loop 

  • Spiritual experiences

  • Spiritual Psychosis behaviour 

  • A family member or yourself experiencing bipolar, mental health condition, schizophrenia

  • Home feels cold

  • Nightmares, sleep paralysis, not able to focus, loss of appetite, extreme headaches 

  • Unexplainable incidences

Are my exercises reviewed?

The profound niche of Manifest with a Medium is that you do not need to get energy removals carried out over and and over again. This is the most common theme you will find with those who will offer energy removals. Our skills and abilities all offer an one time solution. Once an energy removal is carried out, that is it. All work is professionally contracted and agreed upon with both parties. We have 100% customer satisfaction. 

What are the steps to take?

  1. Get an energy scan booked

  2. Fill out the questionnaire

  3. A call is arranged between the team and yourself 

  4. On the call, validations and next steps will be discussed. 

I have been to astrologers, psychics, but I go back into the same cycle

It is vital to understand that everyone carries a level of ability, but does not mean they have the ability to see right through the energy field layers. There is 1% within the Psychic Industry who have such ability to do so. Therefore do not get disheartened by this. 

Why do I need to consider a energy removal?

Your spiritual health is equally important as it is to your medical, physical, emotional health. If the energy is contaminated, it eats into the mind or physical body over time, depending on how strong your aura is.  We encourage people to carry a clean strong aura to enable manifesting to happen effortlessly. 

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