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Career & Business
Are I in the right job? Why am I not happy in my job? Why do I feel drained? Are we pursuing our soul agenda? We spend half our lives at our work and it shapes us a person. A career and a business should be vibrationally aligned to you, and if it is not, it tips the balance in every other area of your life. That could your relationships, marriage, health, mental state and spiritual wellbeing. Taking a psychic insight into unfolding your soul purpose can be the biggest life changing transformative step one can ever take!
Career & Business at Manifest with a Medium
"I want to build a multi million dollar company", "I want to become an entrepreneur", "I want to get promoted within my career". Each of us will have an ambition we are seeking to manifest in our lives. But you know what makes one different, is when they have a psychic team behind them!
The challenge is majority of people are unaware of this! No great talent, entrepreneur, tycoon has never made it to the heights of success without the backing of their psychic team. Do not be fooled that one has manifested its own success without the energies of others, particularly those of psychics who carry the biggest energies.
Having a psychic as your manifestation coach can transform your life!
How to utilise a Psychic for your business & career
At Manifest with a Medium we have access to the Top 1% Spiritual Masters all with their own speciality of skills and abilities. But the difference is the team operate at a higher level and minimise their public appearances!
You have to have a burning desire vision to achieve something in your life. So whether it is that multi million dollar business empire, a progression within your career. A Psychic Manifestation Coach should be able to pull the specific validations about the desire, from the non-physical dimension. They have the ability to analyse the energy of that desire and pull out names, events, descriptions, key timelines and understand what the person must do to vibrationally align to the desire. The psychic should be able to identify blocks, triggers, challenges and minimise those and most importantly explain soul lessons for the person to evolve quickly than an average person.
The psychic, depending on their skill set, should utilise their ability to help amplify the energy aiding you on your journey. There is a reason why we are called, Manifest with a Medium!
You probably hear a lot of people, "I should not have done that", "I should not have signed that deal", "I should not have stayed in that job longer than I should have!". Imagine the advantage one would have with their psychic team from Manifest with a Medium. We work with high profile people and it is in our best interest that the choices and decisions they make are in vibrational alignment to them and not in violation of spiritual laws. We navigate people through the energies of others. Ultimately one has free will but we are to help you identify what an average person cannot see.
A psychic career/ business reading with manifestation coaching can help you by:
Validating your current manifesting state
Validate the energies of others
Psychically scan any blocks and challenges you are facing
Either pull out the triggers or suggest ways to do so
Protect you and your business spiritually
Suggesting areas of improvement within your manifesting state
Psychically downloading potential prospects
Psychically downloading names, events, situations
Identifying who is around your aura
Point out new career business prospects
Giving spiritual counsel of your manager, boss, colleagues
How does it work?
At Manifest with a Medium we use no divination tools. We are natural clairvoyant psychic spiritual masters operating at a very high spiritual level. The reading alone will not solve your problems, it will provide clarity and insight but the real strength lies with the information we download for you and for you to work on your manifesting state providing the coaching we give. Many times people have the reading without no manifestation coaching guidance, that serves no justice to their desires. And at the end of it all, you have free will. We blend psychic navigation and manifestation coaching within our sessions and the reading manifestation coaching sessions are carried out via telephone or zoom.
Psychic Business & Career Questions people ask
Let us look at some common questions people ask when it comes a psychic career and business reading
Why do I find blocks?
Potential harmful energy blocks within your energy field
The aura may require an examination
Influence of energies both physical and non physical entities
Identifying blocks within the energy field layers
The triggers you may have when it comes to career, money and business
The subconscious mind requires reprogramming
Your astrological planetary alignments
Karmic retributions to resolve
Psychic cords still attached to others
Throat, Chakra and Sacral chakras blocked or not healed
When will I land opportunities?
The "when" timeline is all based off your current manifesting state. We can shift it and bring the energy fo the desire in faster. Working with your psychic is a joint effort. The more you learn about yourself and evolve quicker, the more your reality will shift.
Will I get a promotion?
Taking a psychic analysis within your work place will allow you to make your judgement about it all. We go into the energy of the people in question and give you validations, whether those are key events that have already happened, names of colleagues and potentially what to look out. Receiving guidance on a career promotion or what to tweak within your manifesting state will ultimately give you an edge.
Why am I in/out of jobs?
The Universe communicates in many ways. When you find yourself in and out work it is usually down to you, looking from within. Taking a psychic reading analysis will allow you to learn more about yourself on a soul level and become awakened from within. We help you strengthen your intuition.
Is my current job good for me?
When you are in a job/business that is not vibrationally aligned to you, it slows down your manifesting state. In fact it can causes blockages within the energy. This can be damaging long term. Therefore taking a psychic navigation analysis on whether the job is good for you or not, can shorten that timeline. Do not leave it too late!